SOOOoooo Last weekend, Nate and I decided to go to Gig Harbor to be with his family for the weekend and go to the fair. We decided this at about 8:00 pm. While we were packing (Nate was outside loading the truck, I was inside loading Braedens bag) - he heard our neighbor scream for help. I came outside to give Nate a bag and saw this look of terror on his face while he was calling 911... I asked what was up and he told me what our neighbor had said. I put Braeden inside and ran over to her. Kim had told me that her husband was trying to kill himself because she would not eat dinner with him. They have 3 children. They are of Vietnamese decent and he started speaking to her and the boys in their language. He would stop and look at me and tell me everything was OK and asked me to leave. I told him that I was not going to leave the kids or Kim until the cops came. He was so upset to hear that they were coming. At this point I did not know if he had a gun, knife, or what. But I can honestly say I did not care at all. I saw another person in need, especially those kids, and trusted the Lord to guide me. 10 or so minutes later the cops came and took over the situation. I had sent the kids in the house to eat and not see their parents like this. Kim was clinging to me like a child and standing her ground like a woman should in this situation. I left there when the cops came (that was about a week ago) well, tonight, Kim showed up at my house. She asked Nate and I to fill out reports because she was getting a restraining over against him to stay away from her and the kids. I asked her how shes doing considering and she said she's fine, and that she just feels so blessed to have us there. I told her that it was totally the Lord allowing that to work together. I have been going to school for counseling, and I felt so confident knowing what to say and how to act. I was never nervous. I also saw it as an opportunity to show her that I gave all the glory to God and that she can trust in Him to take care of her from here.
She then went on to tell me what really happened that night. Apparently he had a knife out and was right there, in front of the kids and everything, threatening to kill himself. He really did seem like he would do anything to get her to just listen to him.
Well, he was sent to the psych unit to get checked out that night, and has not been near the house since. Nate and I filled out the report of what we saw.
We both just thank the Lord that he orchestrated the whole thing. He let us chose at the last minute to head down to Gig Harbor. He let Nate be outside to hear it. He let me feel comfortable with my schooling to head over and help. He let me know I could take control. Nate and I know that this was the Lord working in our lives and theirs.
I pray that everything will work out for her and her family. I feel for them so much, and she has been in this country for over 20 years and felt so compelled to go against her traditions and stand up and be there for her kids and self. Pray for the man as he has to still be on suicide watch (I'm sure) and their family is being pulled apart. It is heart wrenching, but the Lord is working through it!