SOOOoooo Last weekend, Nate and I decided to go to Gig Harbor to be with his family for the weekend and go to the fair. We decided this at about 8:00 pm. While we were packing (Nate was outside loading the truck, I was inside loading Braedens bag) - he heard our neighbor scream for help. I came outside to give Nate a bag and saw this look of terror on his face while he was calling 911... I asked what was up and he told me what our neighbor had said. I put Braeden inside and ran over to her. Kim had told me that her husband was trying to kill himself because she would not eat dinner with him. They have 3 children. They are of Vietnamese decent and he started speaking to her and the boys in their language. He would stop and look at me and tell me everything was OK and asked me to leave. I told him that I was not going to leave the kids or Kim until the cops came. He was so upset to hear that they were coming. At this point I did not know if he had a gun, knife, or what. But I can honestly say I did not care at all. I saw another person in need, especially those kids, and trusted the Lord to guide me. 10 or so minutes later the cops came and took over the situation. I had sent the kids in the house to eat and not see their parents like this. Kim was clinging to me like a child and standing her ground like a woman should in this situation. I left there when the cops came (that was about a week ago) well, tonight, Kim showed up at my house. She asked Nate and I to fill out reports because she was getting a restraining over against him to stay away from her and the kids. I asked her how shes doing considering and she said she's fine, and that she just feels so blessed to have us there. I told her that it was totally the Lord allowing that to work together. I have been going to school for counseling, and I felt so confident knowing what to say and how to act. I was never nervous. I also saw it as an opportunity to show her that I gave all the glory to God and that she can trust in Him to take care of her from here.
She then went on to tell me what really happened that night. Apparently he had a knife out and was right there, in front of the kids and everything, threatening to kill himself. He really did seem like he would do anything to get her to just listen to him.
Well, he was sent to the psych unit to get checked out that night, and has not been near the house since. Nate and I filled out the report of what we saw.
We both just thank the Lord that he orchestrated the whole thing. He let us chose at the last minute to head down to Gig Harbor. He let Nate be outside to hear it. He let me feel comfortable with my schooling to head over and help. He let me know I could take control. Nate and I know that this was the Lord working in our lives and theirs.
I pray that everything will work out for her and her family. I feel for them so much, and she has been in this country for over 20 years and felt so compelled to go against her traditions and stand up and be there for her kids and self. Pray for the man as he has to still be on suicide watch (I'm sure) and their family is being pulled apart. It is heart wrenching, but the Lord is working through it!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I simply cannot believe it...
Saturday we went to Aubrei's wedding... I was just so shocked being there and seeing my old group of girlfriends... all the way back to sixth grade!! WHAT!? Chesney, Genajuade, Dani, Aubrei, and myself had such a great time seeing each other. I cannot believe that we are all married now... well almost all of us... I have a kid... and soon they will too. It seems like we were just reading notes in the bathroom during lunch. Talking about boys. Copying each others homework. Laughing at the silliest things.
But mostly I found it fun to be able to show off my wonderful smokin hott husband and adorable son. Braeden was quite the talk of night!
It is so fun to think about where we all were, and although we do not talk too much, or hang out at all. It is still great to see everyone and remember how much we loved having them in our lives, and what they meant to us. Those girls were (and are) amazing. I have never laughed so hard, cried so much, and simply just enjoyed the little things, as I did with them. I remember staying at Aubrei or Chesneys house all the time. I see the wedding starting new fun times that we can add to our list of memories! Good times... Good times..
Monday, July 19, 2010
Montana Trip!

So if there is one place we love in this world.. it is MONTANA!! We had such a blast just relaxing, not worrying about bills, money, food, where were going... anything... it was just so great. And it was our first trip as the family! I feel like it was such a recharge for Nate and I... to be carefree, to be able to just talk about nothing, but everything all at the same time. We have been sooooo stressed out about money these last few months, that it can really pay a toll on everything. The Lord really blessed us. My parents have a sweet motorhome... so mom and dad took Braeden in there, while Nate and I tented it (which we love)... that meant we BOTH got to sleep in as late as we wanted, and with no distractions... of course me kicking nate off the bed, stealing the covers, or punching him for snoring might have woken him up... but other than that... nothing!! hehe... As you can see, Braeden is NOT a huge fan of water... it was so funny! We even got the water warm for him, but we think the wind was too much. It was fun to watch him hate it so much tho... hehe... oh I love Montana.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Proud Sister

Sooooo... Josh is doing amazing for the Fielders. For those of you who dont know he is playing independent baseball out in Illinois. He just got done playing the the ALLSTAR team!! I am so proud of this kid. He is doing so well... he is #2 in homers #3 in RBI's... I they really see this kids love of the game. He has worked so hard for where he is at... and you can follow him and listen to his games at
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How do them southerners do it?
So Im sure, like most Washingtonians, we don't have AC here... well it was Braedens first day and night in heat like this, and let me tell you he is not happy! I have never seen him in such a state that he could not be calmed down. All day he was crabby, but still a little smiley... then the night came. It took him a while to go to sleep (it was about 83 in here)... then 2 am came.... I got up with him crying his sweet little eyes out... we were up until just after 4 am this morning... which he doesnt even stay up that long during the day. The only thing that seemed to calm him down was taking a walk outside (oh how it was so much cooler)... Every time he ate, he threw it up, every time I laid him down he screamed bloody murder... I put cold rags on him, took his temp, I tried everything I could think of... that little boy was not happy... Finally, I walked around outside long enough that I could feel him cooling down, so I gave him a cold bottle of just water, and put him in the crib (normally, I would not give him a bottle in the crib, but I was desperate for him to find comfort in there.) He fell asleep shortly after... then woke again at 7...
Luckily my parents have a portable AC unit that I will be stealing from them today, so I see sleeping through the night in our future today.
The blessing I see out of this is.... the Lord has blessed me with patience with my son (nobody else though, people still drive me nuts) I was able to keep me composer and really care for him all night. I also have been learning so much about taking care of little ones, and how the same thing does not work on every baby. Braeden is very picky, yet easy, and he does NOT want to be hot, and if he is hot, he does not want to be alone, he needs some sort of satisfaction in the place he is to be happy. I just thank the good Lord for being with me last night, as I could have lost it at any moment... I was so tired before I went to bed, let alone waking up that early for that long.... and then again at 7 this morning. He has really helped me to push through the hard times, lean on Him, and come out praising Him for the small things. I am truly blessed with this precious son of mine... thank you Lord for him and for always being there with me while I raise your son that you gave to me...
Luckily my parents have a portable AC unit that I will be stealing from them today, so I see sleeping through the night in our future today.
The blessing I see out of this is.... the Lord has blessed me with patience with my son (nobody else though, people still drive me nuts) I was able to keep me composer and really care for him all night. I also have been learning so much about taking care of little ones, and how the same thing does not work on every baby. Braeden is very picky, yet easy, and he does NOT want to be hot, and if he is hot, he does not want to be alone, he needs some sort of satisfaction in the place he is to be happy. I just thank the good Lord for being with me last night, as I could have lost it at any moment... I was so tired before I went to bed, let alone waking up that early for that long.... and then again at 7 this morning. He has really helped me to push through the hard times, lean on Him, and come out praising Him for the small things. I am truly blessed with this precious son of mine... thank you Lord for him and for always being there with me while I raise your son that you gave to me...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Land of the free because of the BRAVE!
I am such a sucker for this time of year. I think so often we take for granted this country that we live in. I mean, I know I do sometimes. My father and brother (Jeremy) were both Marines who served this country. My dad was in Nam, and here we are, decades later, and you can still see his eyes well up with tears to think about those days. He cries for his buddies lost, and his men he led. They were all family to him.
And Jeremy lost one of his best friends to a road side bomb in Iraq. Seeing the look on his face every time Allen's name is mentioned shows just how close they were.
I say all this to say this... We have men and women over seas fighting for us daily... they risk not only their lives, but also the lives of their friends. Losing a friend over there is just as bad as losing a family member here.
For me, it is so important to say "thanks" to every man and woman serving that I see. How hard is it to just say "thanks" as they walk by? This is the time of year we are reminded just how lucky we are, but for men and women who serve, this time of year is spent thinking about their loved ones lost. So please, take time to write a letter, to say "thanks" and send a prayer out to those loved and lost, and those living through what they saw over there.
I am so thankful to my dear friends and family serving, you are truly courageous! I hope you all know just how appreciated you are.
And Jeremy lost one of his best friends to a road side bomb in Iraq. Seeing the look on his face every time Allen's name is mentioned shows just how close they were.
I say all this to say this... We have men and women over seas fighting for us daily... they risk not only their lives, but also the lives of their friends. Losing a friend over there is just as bad as losing a family member here.
For me, it is so important to say "thanks" to every man and woman serving that I see. How hard is it to just say "thanks" as they walk by? This is the time of year we are reminded just how lucky we are, but for men and women who serve, this time of year is spent thinking about their loved ones lost. So please, take time to write a letter, to say "thanks" and send a prayer out to those loved and lost, and those living through what they saw over there.
I am so thankful to my dear friends and family serving, you are truly courageous! I hope you all know just how appreciated you are.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sickly little one
So it has been so long again... but I knew Keri would yell at me if i did not start writing... so what better than now...
Braeden is almost over his sickness... He became ill last week from his cousin, and has been tortured ever since. His eyes were swollen shut, couldn't breathe due to snot coming out of his nose constantly and dried snot clogging up the other half. He had little to no personality, wasn't eating out of the bottle well, but could still kinda handle his food.
The good Lord blessed me with a baby who doesn't fuss a whole lot, but at the same time that means that when he does fuss, i freak out. I have no idea what to do for him, besides love and hold him. The first few nights I was up constantly checking on him to make sure he is still breathing, and I even remembering us running in there because he was gasping for air soooo much that we were sure he stopped breathing... Poor little baby just wanted his nose to be unplugged. When Braeden wakes up on his non-sick days he wakes up happy and making those sweet little baby noises... well, when he is sick every now and then he will wake up crying... that is when I know something is wrong... Nate and I rush in there bottle, tylenol, plunger, tissues and clean blanket in hand, fighting over whos going to hold him...
Well, the worst is over, he is just left with a runny nose, but is his full self again. It is sooooo good to see that smile back full of laughter and joy... I thank all of my friends and family for your advice... it really helped... here is a list of the things we did that found the best result...
vicks on his chest, upper lip, and feet
clean sheets everyday (and blanket too)
changed his outfit twice a day
his bottle was extra warm
gave him bottles of extra warm water (to flush it out faster)
cuddled him until he couldn't stand it (then I cuddled him some more)
tylenol (oh how I love you)
We ran a extra hot bath and put the vicks on the fossett (putting it in water can burn skin and eyes) sat in there with him, naked, and breathed it in until the water cooled for his bath
I am confident he would be over it sooner if I hadnt gotten it, and still kissed him all the time, but hey i gotta love on him still...
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