So Im sure, like most Washingtonians, we don't have AC here... well it was Braedens first day and night in heat like this, and let me tell you he is not happy! I have never seen him in such a state that he could not be calmed down. All day he was crabby, but still a little smiley... then the night came. It took him a while to go to sleep (it was about 83 in here)... then 2 am came.... I got up with him crying his sweet little eyes out... we were up until just after 4 am this morning... which he doesnt even stay up that long during the day. The only thing that seemed to calm him down was taking a walk outside (oh how it was so much cooler)... Every time he ate, he threw it up, every time I laid him down he screamed bloody murder... I put cold rags on him, took his temp, I tried everything I could think of... that little boy was not happy... Finally, I walked around outside long enough that I could feel him cooling down, so I gave him a cold bottle of just water, and put him in the crib (normally, I would not give him a bottle in the crib, but I was desperate for him to find comfort in there.) He fell asleep shortly after... then woke again at 7...
Luckily my parents have a portable AC unit that I will be stealing from them today, so I see sleeping through the night in our future today.
The blessing I see out of this is.... the Lord has blessed me with patience with my son (nobody else though, people still drive me nuts) I was able to keep me composer and really care for him all night. I also have been learning so much about taking care of little ones, and how the same thing does not work on every baby. Braeden is very picky, yet easy, and he does NOT want to be hot, and if he is hot, he does not want to be alone, he needs some sort of satisfaction in the place he is to be happy. I just thank the good Lord for being with me last night, as I could have lost it at any moment... I was so tired before I went to bed, let alone waking up that early for that long.... and then again at 7 this morning. He has really helped me to push through the hard times, lean on Him, and come out praising Him for the small things. I am truly blessed with this precious son of mine... thank you Lord for him and for always being there with me while I raise your son that you gave to me...
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