Monday, January 11, 2010

Braedens birth story

Hello! I guess I should keep up with this blog now that Braeden is here. I have been asked my my Swooooozie to tell the story of the birth day... as it was quite eventful and tramatic to say the least. I went into labor around 9pm on the 26th.... my water did not break, but my contractions were very close together and getting worse... it was clear it was time... Nate and I headed to the hospital around 1am.... I wanted to make sure it was the real deal as I did not want to get get sent home again. When we got to the hospital my contractions were around 5 minutes apart, and I was dilated to almost 3 cm. Amazing because I felt like I was 10 from the pain. The nurse had me walk around for 30 minutes to help me dilate more so that I could be admitted. And I did... they admitted me and gave me pain relief as my contractions were now 2 minutes apart and the pain was impossible to handle. Around 6am I got my epidural... a little slice of heaven I like to think!! haha and no ladies.. the epidural does not hurt at all... I laid in bed waiting to dilate more... it was a slow progression so they broke my water, and gave me patosin (sp I know) to speed up delivery... it did... I could start feeling the contractions again, and I was progressing now... problem was I could not move from my right side as Braeden did not like it. We had the first scare when they wanted me to switch to my left side to see if he would move positions as he was face up (a very difficult and painful position to deliver in). Braeden did not like that as his heart rate dropped into the 50's. The nurse pushed the emergency button and in rushed 10 or more nurses (without telling me what was going on) of course I start balling and freaking out.. they tried every position to get his heart rate back up, stopped the patosin, but the right side is all he liked. Later they wanted to try again as I was still not progressing past 8 cm. They tried to move me onto my hands and knees and as soon as I moved, down went his heart rate again... this time in the 40's. In come the nurses, flip me back and we are doing OK again. A few hours later my epidural stopped working and there was nothing they could do as all the pain meds were not helping... him being face up was the way it was. So there I laid on my right side.... I had about a 3 min contractions and Braedens heart rate fell into the 20's the whole time... and I hear mine wasn't so good either. They rushed me back to the OR for an emergency C-Section. Im freaking out as I am scared to death of surgery, needles, going under... you name in... They told us that if they could not get me numb I would have to go under, and Nate could not be in the room. Luckily they got me numb enough (they had to go 4 times over the normal amount to get me numb enough) but I could still feel it... not fun... I swelled up, couldn't breath, felt like I was passing out... my throat was so tight I told Nate something is choking me, but there was nothing there. They tried to give me oxygen, but my claustrophobia kicked in and I started freakin out with that mask covering me... Minutes later we heard the cry of our perfectly healthy baby boy. He was perfect. So beautiful. It made it all worth it. The doctors and nurses said they haven't seen such a beautiful boy. He really was. Nate got to cut the rest of the cord off, hold him, hold his hand while they did tests. Everything was OK. Doctor said I would recover too. They stitched me up, pain drugged me up... and wheeled us into recovery. It was the scariest time of my life, but at 5:17pm a true miracle was born. The thought of almost losing him was haunting, but God has truly blessed us with an amazing miracle.


  1. My heart is still racing... and I feel like I need to give you a hug! Praise God for such a beautiful perfectly healthy little man after all that! I'm SO glad you guys are doing well! Can't wait to see more pictures, but take your time little mama!! Congratulations Nate & Jacie and thanks for the blog!

  2. Jacie! Wow, what a story! I am amazed how everyone's labor stories are completely different. Praise God that He had you in His hands guiding everything down to the last detail and heartbeat! Congratulations!

  3. Wow Jacie! That is so scary about his heartrate! I hate a horrible labor and delivery and recovery with Kenley but now she is just the calmest best baby ever so it was totally worth it! I cant wait to meet little Braeden! Keep blogging!

  4. Thanks for sharing your story. It got me all teared up. God is amazing and children are such an incredible blessing. Hope you are recovering well and enjoying every moment of mommyhood.
