I have no idea if smiling at this age is normal, but we see quite a few smiles from this baby boy!! He LOVES his feet rubbed and when I pick out the lint in his toes he is all smiles. This boy could not be any cuter!! I just love him!! He is darn tootin lucky he is so stinkin cute, because as you all know I love my sleep... and a few hours at a time is not enough for me, but he is all worth it! It makes me laugh when people see him and say he is a chunk... he is... but he is still so small!! I'm not sure if I am ready for him to move into bigger clothes yet, let alone grow up.... BUT I guess at the same time it will be quite enjoyable to see him do more.
Also I have been quite blessed myself as I have not had any of my normal everyday back problems. (Besides a little scare this last Sunday when my back went out) That is truly amazing to us. I have been suffering from horrible pain for over 5 years, and now... nothing. It feels so good to know that I can function throughout the day without being on pain pills! Even better I know that my son will not have to have any of that in his system! YAY! Who would have thought that all I needed was to get pregnant to make my back problems go away, I should have thought of that years ago! haha Just kidding just kidding!!
Now before you laugh at this next picture... this was his fathers work... My poor boy... His dad thought it would be great to have this picture to embarrass him later on in life... last time I bring Nate to Target with me!! HAHA
I was realy sad when I had to put away some of Kenley's clothes that she had outgrown but it was also super fun because I got to get out new stuff for her and I got to go buy stuff that is actually my style for her!